Malachi Fox

UTILITIES & ENGINEERING: Malachi Fox, Staff Engineer
Years worked with the County: almost 3
Briefly describe your job. What do you do?
I inspect Erosion and Sediment Control measures for sites of less than 1 acre of disturbance. I work on our Street Improvement Program, which is a program that lets us work with property owners and NCDOT to try and get roads that are privately maintained into NCDOT’s maintenance program. I estimate costs, perform inspections, and talk to NCDOT about changes that need to be made. I meet with contractors, property owners, and anyone who has a complaint about Erosion and Sediment.
What is a typical workday like for you?
I typically am out driving around the county Monday through Thursday inspecting Small Site Erosion Control measures. Friday is my office day to do my paperwork and send out Notices of Violation if a site failed an inspection. If we have a road project going on, that takes priority.
What is your favorite aspect of your job – what do you enjoy doing most?
I enjoy getting to see the beautiful landscapes of Catawba County, especially in the Vale area.
What is the County core value you believe most relates to the work you do, and why?
Doing What’s Right. It is about being professional when talking to citizens of Catawba County and being patient and respectful to issues they bring up. It is about being Transparent with the decisions I make and explaining why I had to make them.
What do you like best about working for Catawba County?
The freedom and trust I have been afforded to set my own schedule.
Where did you grow up?
I grew up in Alexander County near the border with Catawba County.
What do you enjoy doing outside of work?
Reading, specifically Sci-Fi, Fantasy, History, and Mystery novels. I lift weights with my dad. I play Video Games with my friends. I enjoy playing board games with my family and friends.
Favorite movie, TV show, and/or book?
Lord of the Rings is my favorite book series. Avatar: The Last Airbender is my favorite TV show. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring is my favorite movie.
Favorite musical artist or genre?
Favorite Musical Artists would be Billie Eilish and Arctic Monkeys.
Favorite sports team(s)?
I do not have a favorite sports team. I will, however, root for any StarCraft 2 esports player who uses Protoss. My life for Aiur!
If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why?
Perfect health, both physical and mental. No more back pain, headaches, corrective lenses, etc.