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Catawba College Cover Photo: Dr. Adrian L. Shuford, Sr.
Obituary on page 14 (four columns)
Asheville Citizen-Times (VF Mat.)
June 6, 1941
Death Takes W. E. Shuford At Age Of 71
Obituary of an Asheville Capitalist and Attorney.
Republished in The Shuford Newsletter
December 9, 1962
Monday for Shuford, Former Solon and Judge
Obituary for George A. Shuford
This article covers his career, place of burial, three
congressional terms, military service, family
and organizations he belonged to.
Republished in The Shuford Newsletter
County Documents
Elizabeth Bray Sherrill
March 1991
Isaac Douglass to John J. Shuford--Book 1, Page 58
Cauble, Frank P.
Alonzo Craig Shuford, March 1, 1858 - February 8, 1933
Ref B SHUFORD 86746
Catawba Valley Neighbors
July 6, 1988
Familiar Face--Christa Shuford Becoming Known For Acting,
By Monte Mitchell
Clark, Murtie June.
in the southern campaign of the Revolutionary
Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Pub. Co., 1981
Arch. 929.373 CLA
Page 366--Shuford, Jacob-witness
Page 403-- David Shoiford & Jacob Shuford both
recorded on furlough .
Clinard, J. Weston.Clinard looks back: a compilation of short stories covering
early days in Hickory.
Hickory, NC: J.W. Clinard, 1962.
NC 975.6 CLI
Pages 250-253--Abel A. Shuford
Connor, R. D. W. (Robert Digges Wimberly), 1878-1950
North Carolina: rebuilding an ancient commonwealth,
[S.l.] : Am. Historical Soc., c1929.
NC Ref 975.6 CON (Volume 4)
Pages 423 & 424
Photograph of A. A. Shuford
Griffin, Clarence W., 1904-
History of old Tryon and Rutherford Counties, North Carolina,
NC Ref 975.6 GRI 31002
Shuford, Catherine 170
Shuford, Eli 170
Shuford, Jacob 170
Shuford, J.M. 338
Shuford, John 170
Shuford, Laban 170
Shuford, Martin P. 165 &170 &190
Daily Record
Date Unknown--April 20th
Shuford Patriarch's Early Home, Descendants
Photographs of Adolphus, Abel and Dr. J. H. Shuford,
as well as a photograph of the no longer standing
home of John Shuford "patriarch of the Shuford
family in Catawba" County.
September 11, 1965 Christmas Birthday Proves Asset for Wade H. Shuford
A brief biography, which includes a listing of his parents.
September 11, 1965
Diversified Shuford Mills Leader in
Textile Industry
Photographs of Abel A., A. Alex, and A. Alex (Jr.) Shuford.
This is a good history of the mill.
September 11, 1965
Hickory Pioneer Helped City Develop Along Many Lines
Adolphus L. Shuford's brief biography.
September 11, 1965
Jones W. Shuford Linked Past, Present Generations
Jones W. Shuford's contribution to the Catawba area.
September 1, 1965 (50th Anniversary Edition)
Major Andrew H. Shuford 1st Catawba County
High Sheriff
brief biography of the man and his career.
September 11, 1965
Uncle Watt Shuford Fools Cub Reporters
By Wake Bridges
Interesting story about the early years of the Record.
March 20, 1982
Wake's Notebook: Settler Braved Frontier
Johann Scheffert's brief story.
November 13, 1986
Ballenger Not 1st Elected From County to Congress
Alonzo Craig Shuford was--article contains a brief
biography on our first Congressman.
July 2, 1992
Shuford Family Gathers
Photograph of three generations of the Adolphus Shuford
October 16, 1992
Obituary--Clyde Allen Shuford Sr. (43)
3 short paragraphs--lists parents
October 2, 1997
Equestrian Will Compete In Final
Linda Shuford will go to the Capital Challenge Horse Show in Washington, DC.
October 22, 1999
Harley Shuford Jr. in Furniture Hall of Fame
January 1, 2000
of the Century
ABEL ALEXANDER SHUFORD--Innovator, Visionary,
Biography of the man who founded Shuford Mills.
Page 1 & 8 A
June 18, 1987
Shufords once owned 70 acres in Viewmont
Claims Maple Grove once encompassed nearly 70 acres,
and how it was eventually divided.
December 1, 1994 (Page 3A)
In his wake, a magnificent legacy
Harley F. Shuford Sr., (82) Obituary
Photo--This is a very detailed article.
December 5, 1996
What's News Business: Business interests divided by Shufords
Shuford Industries and Shurtape Technologies reach an
Contains photographs of A. Pope Shuford and Harley
Shuford Jr.
April 24, 1997
Weekend Gala
Marie Lewis and Robert Shuford have series of parties
held in honor of their upcoming marriage. (Beverly
Shuford, Nina Shuford, Nancy Shuford Dowdy, Nancy
and Alex Shuford, and Helgi and Harley (Buck)
Shuford were attendees of the events.
November 12, 1998
Shuford family profiled
Announcing David Wilson Shuford's book, The Shuford Family
of Catawba.
Hickory News--Senior Accents
May 1997
Heritage Day
Hamp Shuford and Meredith Alexander dress as members
of the Maple Grove household. (Photo-color)
December 1999-Page 9
Photograph of Adelaide Shuford (and Margaret Ann Campbell
and Mary Adelaide Henry Galphin)
Photograph of Hamp Shuford and Claude
Abernethy Jr.
Hofmann, Margaret M.
Colony of North Carolina: abstracts of land patents,
(includes indexes)
Weldon, NC: Roanoke News Co., c1982-c1984.
NC Ref 929.3 HOF
Patent Book 23
Page 448
John [5960] [5961] [5963]
Holcomb, Brent.
County North Carolina: minutes of the Court of
Pleas and Quarter sessions, 1769-1779 / by Brent
H. Holcomb.
Columbia, SC: SCMAR, c1994.
NC Ref 929.37567 HOL
January Term 1770--John Shooford & Clara (Page 25)
October Term 1774--John Shuford (Page 141)
Ingmire, Frances Terry.
Abstracted wills of Catawba County, North Carolina, 1842-1870
St. Louis, MO (10166 Clairmont Dr., St. Louis 63136):
F.T. Ingmire, c1984.
NC Ref 929.3756785 ING
Lowry, Christine Smith.
The Shuford legacy: a family history
NC Ref 929.2 SHUFORD
Neese, J. Everette, 1911-
Dutch settlement on Abbotts Creek: a history
of Pilgrim Reformed United Church of Christ,
Lexington, North Carolina, ca. 1753 to 1979
Lexington, N.C.: Neese; (Winston-Salem, NC: Hunter Printing
Co.), c1979.
NC Ref 285.7 NEE
Rev. Julius H. Shuford--1887-1888--Biography-brief
Pages 87-88
News Enterprise October 21, 1953
Shuford Family Late Settlers; All But
One Member Were Tories
By Dr. J. E. Hodges
The political and social struggle of the Shuford
family during the Revolutionary War
January 1969
Shuford Mills Looms Big In Local Textile
Story of the consolidation of Shuford Mills, Inc. in
1947, includes a photograph of Abel A. Shuford.
November 13, 1985
Centenarian to celebrate soon
Annie Lee SHUFORD Wall born November 19, 1885 in Catawba
County. A nice article which includes two photos--one
recent, and one when Mrs. Wall was a young college
student at the State Normal and Industrial College.
November 24, 1994
Obituary--Harley F. Shuford Sr.
Includes photograph.
Philbeck, Miles S.
Lincoln County, North Carolina will abstracts, 1779-1910
/ compiled by Miles S. Philbeck, Jr. and Grace
Wilson, NC: G. Turner; Chapel Hill, N.C.: M.S. Philbeck,
Jr., c1986.
NC Ref 929.375678 PHI
Wills of:
Daniel []-1831
David []-1828
Elvira E. Shuford [578] 1886
John [1143] (Johanes Schufert)-1788
Jacob Shuford [579]-1843
Jacob Hoyle Shuford [580] 1867
Macon H. Shuford [1899]
Ray, Lenoir.
Postmarks: a history of Henderson County, North Carolina,
Chicago, IL: Adams Press, [1970]
NC Ref 383.09756 RAY
Pages 52 & 53
information on "Postmaster Shuford and Marcus
P.N. Shuford
Rucker, Elizabeth Hoyle.
The genealogy of Peiter Heyl and his descendents, 1100-1936 <
NC Ref 929.2 HOYLE
Salzmann, Joan Marie, 1933-
George Shuffart (Shuford) and his descendants in America,
NC Ref 929.2 SAL
Includes the will of George Shufford, Anson County, August
126, 1762.
Sherrill, Elizabeth Bray
The Shuford gold mine
NC Ref 975.6785 SHE
Shuford, David Wilson.
Origins of the Shuford family in America: a brief history
and genealogy
NC Ref 929.2 SHUFORD
Shuford, Julius H.
A historical sketch of the Shuford family
NC Ref 929.2 SHUFORD
Shuford, Peggy Baker.
The ancestors and descendants of Abel Alexander and
Maud Ferguson Shuford
By: Peggy Baker Shuford & Ann Webb Crews.
NC Ref 929.2 SHUFORD